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How To Process A Ticket Using Droptop

Learn the basics of putting an order through Droptop.

5 minutes

This video will show you the basics of processing an oil change using Droptop. Our intuitive interface makes it easy for anyone to use on any device type. The step by step guide makes it easy for technicians and ensures a consistent process is followed for every customer that enters your bay. This flow allows you to capture vehicle information using the built in VIN look up or Carfax license plate look up. Next you can see the exact vehicle data you need based on the service you want to perform. No need to look up part numbers or fluid information anywhere else, Droptop presents all the relevant information in one simple view. Next select from your preset packages or add individual parts to the order. Inspections are also simple to use and 100% customizable. Finally you can print or email the final invoice directly to your customer.