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Droptop Account Setup Videos

Learn how to setup your Droptop Account in under an hour.

1 hour

This playlist contains all the videos you need to set up your operation on Droptop.

1. Operation Settings

Learn how to configure your basic operation settings. Set your address, operating currency, taxes, override codes, company logo and more.

2. Services

Learn how to setup the services you offer. Add, remove and configure your services with new service configuration settings that let you customize maintenance intervals and inventory display settings.

3. Packages

Learn how to create, edit and duplicate packages. This video will walk you through creating simple packages as well as more complicated pricing configurations. Learn how to use inventory refiners, pricing badges and tax exemption logic.

4. Tags

Learn how to create tags and use them in the correct way. This video will show you how to create tags, assign tags to inventory items and use tags inside your packages. Tags give you a ton of flexibility to track your inventory and solve unique pricing challenges.

5. Inspections

Learn how to add inspections and create custom inspection groups. A well setup Inspection Group looks great on invoices/receipts, helps keep your customers informed and provides a professional look.

6. Inventory

Learn how to set up your inventory by adding, removing and editing your parts.

7. Scheduling

Learn how to set up your customer facing scheduling application.